英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 12:19:42

contract for service

英 [kənˈtrækt fɔ: ˈsɜːvɪs]

美 [ˈkɑnˌtrækt fɔr 'sɝvɪs]

[经] 劳务合同

  • 网络解释


1. 劳务合同:contract for purchase 采购合同 | contract for service 劳务合同 | contract for future delivery 期货合同

2. 服务合约:contract for difference 差价合约 | contract for service 服务合约 | contract for settlement 平仓合约

3. 劳务合同UWq久久英语网--口语 语法 听力 作文 教程:contract for purchase 采购合同UWq久久英语网--口语 语法 听力 作文 教程 | contract for service 劳务合同UWq久久英语网--口语 语法 听力 作文 教程 | contract law 合同法UWq久久英语网--口语 语法 听力 作文 教...

4. 劳务协议:contract for purchase 采购协议 | contract for service 劳务协议 | contract for future delivery 期货协议 contract of sale 销售协议

Following delivery of the CH147F training suite in early 2014, phase two of the contract will commence with CAE leading the in-service support for the CH147F aircrew training program.(在于2014年初交付CH147F训练单元以后,合同的第二阶段将从CAE对CH147F机组人员训练项目的支撑服务开始。)
A service contract is binding on all participants in the interaction, including the service itself and the element that provides it for the particular interaction in question.(在交互过程中,服务契约与所有参与者进行绑定,包括服务本身和为特定的交互活动提供服务的元素。)
Rather than buy a product outright, or sign a long-term service contract, sensors can track actual usage, enabling customers to pay only for what they consume or even the value they receive.(不同于一次性购买或签订长期服务合同,传感器可以跟踪实际使用情况,允许顾客根据自己的消费内容甚至得到的价值进行支付。)
Even if the contract specifies some type of remediation for service failure, you can apply leverage to negotiate better terms.(即使是合同上已经规定了服务故障时候的补救措施,您还是可以与对方重新谈判以获得更有利的条款。)
Service is a relationship to the service concept for which this contract is specified.(service是与为其指定此契约的服务概念的关系。)
Figure 10 shows the requirements for the OrderProcessor service provider, using a service contract that provides a role-centered view of the business processes created by a business analyst.(图10使用一个服务契约显示了OrderProcessor服务提供者的需求,该服务契约提供了一张由业务分析师创建的业务过程的角色中心视图。)
This might involve using their forums for support or establishing an external service contract.(这也许涉及使用他们的论坛获取支持,或者建立一个外部服务合同。)
A service Contract is used to help specify a service for which service Interfaces alone cannot capture some kinds of more complex constraints or responsibilities.(ServiceContract用于帮助指定服务接口本身无法为其捕捉某些更为复杂的约束或责任的服务。)
Even the evil-looking bird perched on a rod in the bar had stopped screeching out the names and addresses of local contract killers, which was a service it provided for free.(即使是栖息在酒吧横杆上的、那只看起来很邪恶的鸟儿,也不再尖叫着报出当地合同杀手们的姓名和地址——这是它平时提供的一项免费服务。)
Although this Web service has been valuable for various assessment purposes, once architects take a closer look at the actual Web service contract code, they detect some content that raises concerns.(尽管该Web服务对很多评估需求价值很大,可是一旦架构师们仔细检查其实际的契约代码,他们发现了一些应被关注的内容。)
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